Mobile crowdsensing (MCS)

MCS is a new sensing paradigm that empowers ordinary citizens to contribute data sensed or generated from their mobile devices, aggregates and fuses the data in the cloud for crowd intelligence extraction and people-centric service delivery.

Capponi, A.; Fiandrino, C.; Kantarci, B.; Foschini, L.; Kliazovich, D.; Bouvry, P. A Survey on Mobile Crowdsensing Systems: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities. IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials 2019, 21, 2419–2465, doi:10.1109/COMST.2019.2914030.

Navy Monitoring System

Navy, in partnership with government agencies, coordinates the implementation of the Ocean Monitoring System.  Its mission is to monitor and control areas of Brazilian responsibility and strategic interest to contribute […]